Monday, September 30, 2019

A house Divided: Abortion and Slavery in America

In 1856, Lincoln stood out as he opposed the sovereignty doctrine and freedom for states to choose whether to continue practicing slavery or free all of their slaves. His assertion was that the country had to make a choice either to continue with slavery or make the slaves free in all states. This was based on the understanding that all the states were bound by one constitution.For the country to stand as one, it had to make a single choice. Today the country is being faced by the debate of prolife and pro-choice. To the pro-choice, the decision to keep or terminate the lie of the unborn child is left on the hands of the mother while the prolife believe the unborn child enjoys the same rights just as any other person (Melton, nd). These serious divisions have the potential to split our country along the line of whether to grant the rights to the mother or the unborn child.In both cases, proponents of anti slavery and pro life had and have a moral argument against an evil that deprive s our society of an obligation to protect the life of the unborn just as we protect the living.   It is definite that there cannot be any middle ground in the case relating to abortion. We need either to fully support the pro-choice and continue blatantly killing the helpless young humans who have no power to defend themselves.On the other, hand we can embrace the logic of the pro-lifers and give the unborn children a chance to enjoy the right to life and other rights later when they see the light in their lives. Just as in the case of slavery, the pursuit of our rights should not be allowed to deprive other humans their equal rights. The law should come out straight and define the fact that, ending the life now is no different from ending it later. By then the question of whether we are killing through abortions shall have been answered.ReferencesMelton, B. (nd).A house Divided: Abortion and Slavery in America. Retrieved on   August 3, 2010 from m/archives/chch_news_435.htm       A House Divided: Abortion and Slavery in America In the article â€Å"A House Divided: Abortion and Slavery in America,† the author draws a parallelism between abortion and slavery. The article notes four premises around which the arguments for both abortion and slavery similarly revolve as advocates of both practices justify their actions.In rejecting the arguments of the pro-slavery and the pro-choice camps on identical grounds, the author admonishes society not to replicate its past mistake.In the first premise, slaves and in utero children are being regarded as properties. Since they are both properties, it is presumed that their owners retain the right to decide what to do about them. Slave owners, therefore, have the right to do whatever they want to do with the slaves that they â€Å"own† and pregnant women should be allowed to decide whether to keep or abort their â€Å"own† fetuses.The second premise involves the economics of the situations, i.e.: slave owners, in particular, and the nation’s ec onomy, in general, profit from the labor of the slaves while women turn to abortion in order to escape the burden of raising a child under conditions of abject poverty especially when the child is unwanted for whatever reason.Third, both the slave owners and the pregnant women argue that their actions are morally acceptable under specific conditions: when the slaves acquiesce to their situation and the pregnancy endangers the life of the mother.Finally, both the slave owners and the pregnant women claim that they are only doing what is best for the slaves and the fetuses. In the former case, owners argue that slaves have better security if they remain slaves because the owners feed and protect them than when they are freed and left by their lonesome to face the harshness of the world. In the case of the fetus of a poor woman, abortion is considered a humanitarian assurance that the child does not experience the evils of life of poverty.The author rejects all of these premises on the ground that they are one-sided. In other words, only the slave owners and the pregnant women are endowed with the rights to â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.†The author argues that by denying the same rights to the slaves and the fetuses would be to deny them of their humanity as well. Therefore, the author maintains that both slavery and abortion could not be considered morally right since these practices deny the slaves and the fetuses (who are also considered human beings in the eyes of the law) of their human rights to â€Å"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.†ReferenceA House Divided: Abortion and Slavery in America. Attachment to order # 71203674.  

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Punishment vs. Rehabilitation within the criminal justice system Essay

I. Why did you pick this topic? If you were bullied in school as a child, then the â€Å"best years† of your life may have felt more like an endless, living nightmare. There is no shortage of social predators trying to boost their self-esteem or status at other people’s expense. Now imagine a school of hard knocks where the concentration of bullies is much higher than their victims. That’s what life may be like for many a convict serving time in prison. How impossible is it to not become hardened and detached under the constant threat of victimization? It’s hard to imagine that reform is part of that equation when one’s very life is at stake. Yet that is one of the impressions that we on the outside have of why criminals are in prisons: so that they will get better. But do they? In effort to make society appear to function properly, we have to close our eyes to many contradictions. Ironically, many are found within the justice systems. We have all witnessed lawyers so hungry for m oney and advancement that they will protect criminals from incarceration at the cost of the next innocent victim. Another area of justice to which our eyes are closed are the prisons where convicted criminals do their reparation. Some main reasons why criminals are sent to prison are: To separate a bully from his next victim — whether it be a robber from the jewelry store, a rapist from women, or a drug dealer from his addicted customers, etc. As punishment and revenge for the crimes a bully has already committed against his victims. To reform or correct the behavior and reintegrate a bully back into our respectable society. The first reason — to separate a criminal from his/her next victim — is the proper use of social seperation for keeping the public safe from further harm. The second, using imprisonment as a form of punishment and revenge is a misguided use of justice, because revenge turns the punisher into the bully possibly even the murderer, if a death sentence is carried out. So basically we have a load of people within a free society acting out violently with the same emotions as those which are causing our prisons to fill up with offenders. As you can see, the justice system is hypocritical. My greatest concern, is how can incarcerating a criminal rehabilitate them; that being locked in a cage surrounded by other criminals can somehow lead one to become a better person. Imagine yourself trapped twenty four hours a day for a span of two  to twenty years in a prep school populated only by those who have beaten, robbed, stolen, murdered or raped others out of rage, hatred and some other psychological imbalance. To add insult to injury, the world outside fears and hates you, maybe even wants to kill you. You have to work your way through the system by serving time so that you can eventually graduate to being released among those who fear and hate you because you are not an ex-con. Are prisons truly designed for rehabilitating criminals? How can a tense, selfish, survival-based atmosphere promote a more empathetic and emotionally balanced human? Given the constant negative reinforcement, it is almost impossible. In fact prisons so more by helping educate beginners in crime to become even better criminals. That’s a poor investment for the future of our community. A huge shift must take place if the Department of Corrections actually intends to correct the troubled one. We must find methods and programs which not only heal the wounds and troubled minds, but which helps them understand that crime begins with an attitude that we take toward others. II. How has literature viewed this issue? Most people may think of prisons as nothing more than facilities where criminals are incarcerated and deprived of their freedoms while serving a sentence that has been assigned as punishment for an illegal act they committed. While this is true, the concept of imprisonment is also intended to have a rehabilitative effect on inmates. The basic idea of rehabilitation through imprisonment is that a person who has been incarcerated will never want to be sent back to prison after they have been set free. It is hoped that an inmate’s experiences while locked up will leave such a lasting impression that a former prisoner will do whatever it takes to avoid a second term. Unfortunately, research has consistently shown that time spent in prison does not serve to rehabilitate most inmates, and the majority of criminals return to a life of crime almost immediately. Many argue that most prisoners will actually learn new and better ways to commit crimes while they are locked up with their f ellow convicts. They can also make connections and become more deeply involved in the criminal world. To rehabilitate is basically to take something or someone that has gone bad and to bring them back to a useful and positive condition. In an effort to offer better rehabilitative services to the inmates, many prisons have begun  providing psychiatrists to help deal with mental disorders and serious issues held by the prisoners. They also offer classroom settings in which inmates can learn to read and discover other means of legally advancing themselves. These methods are proven to have a positive effect on the prisoners. They have helped many to overcome a background with little or no education and encouraged some to straighten out their lives. Upon their release, prisoners who have stuck with these programs are given a better opportunity to succeed and to become law abiding citizens. Rehabilitation of prisoners is an extremely difficult effort. Inmates are segregated from the general public and forced to live in a society where crime is a way of life. For many, time spent behind b ars will push them farther into a life of crime, but for others, the horrors of prison life and the lessons they learn there are enough to convince them to do anything possible to never become imprisoned again. III. Why rehabilitation through punishment doesn’t work! The media tries to portray the â€Å"new† prison as a way to rehabilitate prisoners, whether it is through education or drug rehabilitation; however, this is far from the truth for most. The first point where this fails is the prison system does not transition their prisoners back into the community. The prison system isolates offenders from their community and family. For violent offenders, yes this is what they are suppose to do but people who are needing drug rehabilitation need support from their family and community. Additionally, a person can find more drugs in prison than he or she can find out on the streets; however, at a higher price but they are still there. The second point where the rehabilitation programs fail is the prisoner has to want to change his or her life around and many have not come to that point yet. Additionally, many states offer time cuts for taking these rehabilitation programs and many prisoners take these programs just to get the time cuts. I personally have family that has told me, â€Å"Yeah, I am going to go back out on the streets get my paper up (hustling) because that is the only way I can make money.† Which did not make any sense to me because now most prisons do have vocational schools or college courses available; however, depending on a person’s offense, it does not matter the education level, sometimes it is very hard to get a decent paying job once released from prison. Maybe a good solution for this problem is for a first  time drug offender or a person who seems to suffer from a mental illness, put them in a rehabilitation center instead of a jail or prison. Prison only makes people angrier and teaches them how to be better criminals. I have seen people go into prison for white collar crimes and come out drug addicts and better criminals. The prison system is something that definitely needs to be re-worked and re-adjusted because it is definitely failing. IV. How does this affect us socially? The expectations that our society has for the criminal justice system is to punish and rehabilitate individuals who commit crime. Punishment and rehabilitation are also two of the four acknowledged objectives of the criminal justice system, with deterrence and incapacitation being the others. In the United States, punishment has always been the primary goal to achieve when dealing with individuals who commit acts of crime. Many theorists throughout history have argued which is more effective, punishment or rehabilitation. The effectiveness of punishment and rehabilitation has been analyzed to see the effects on victims and offenders and also the social and fiscal impact on our society. The Classical School of Criminology has proposed that punishment is used to create deterrence and the Positive School of Criminology uses the practice of rehabilitation to reduce recidivism. Deterrence Deterrence is one of the primary goals in the criminal justice system and it is described as special or specific deterrence and general deterrence. The purpose of special/specific deterrence is to instill fear on the offender so that they will not commit future crime. General deterrence is based on punishing offenders to instill fear in society, otherwise known as teaching society a lesson and showing the consequences of committing crime. Punishment has always been imposed based on the idea that it will deter individuals from committing crime or repeating criminal acts. Incapacitation has been the most common form of punishment, however research demonstrates that recidivism amongst convicted felons following release from prison is as high as 63% and that most prison inmates had arrest records and convictions prior to their current offense. (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1989) Punishment through incarceration is a temporary fix to crime while the  offender is confined. The maximum sentence of life in prison and the death penalty has even been debated on whether they are deterrence to crime. There are so many underlying factors within the criminal justice system that may contribute to why punishment has not been as effective as anticipated such as the appeal process in death penalty cases and the length of time that an offender sits on death row. Others argue that rehabilitation is a more permanent fix in deterring crime. Rehabilitation through community supervision can have a more lasting effect on individuals and deter them from committing future crime if they learn how to adapt in society by gaining academic or trade skills. These programs can help offenders find employment and secure an important role in the community and give them a sense of being. Therapy is another form of rehabilitation needed to help deter individuals from committing future crime. Some examples of therapy include drug therapy to those offenders addicted to drugs and psychol ogical counseling to those offenders who grew up in an abusive household. Rehabilitation is based on creating a change in the criminal’s attitude or resources so that crime is neither a desired nor necessary activity. When an individual is sentenced to probation, it gives them the opportunity to remain self-supporting within the community and not using the taxpayer and states money to house them in a correctional facility. Victim Impact In many cases, victim rights tend to be overshadowed by the rights of the accused. The courts are obligated to give a defendant their Constitutional rights including the right to a speedy trial, the right to counsel, the right to confront witnesses, and due process under the law. Up until recently, victim’s rights were never recognized as an important role in the criminal justice system. In the past, victims and their families were often treated as inconveniences, ignored throughout trial proceedings, and sometimes even forced to stay out of the courtroom as the proceedings went on. These issues have caused many victims to feel neglected and even re-victimized by the courts. On October 30th, 2004, The Crime Victims’ Rights Act was signed into law by President Bush to guarantee rights to victims of federal crime. These rights include, to be reasonably protected from the accused offender and to receive reasonable and timely notice of any public proceeding involving the cr ime or of any public proceeding.  (feinstein, n.d) The majority of society, including victims of crime prefers swift punishment to rehabilitation through community supervision. According to the BJS Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics, more than three-quarters of the public see punishment as the primary justification for sentencing. They also report that more than 70 percent believe that incapacitation is the only sure way to prevent future crimes, and more than three-quarters believe that the courts are too easy on criminals. Public opinion supports the increased use of prisons to give criminals just desserts. When a victim or the victims’ family feels that their offender does not receive the appropriate sentence, it causes emotional stress and also financial strain when restitution is not implemented. Community supervision can also benefit victims in certain ways. When an offender is sentenced to intense supervision through probation, they have the ability to pay restitution through employment. Other forms of rehabilitation through community supervision may also benefit a victim or their families such as programs such as one that was introduced in my county. The program is a group of victims called the Victim Impact Panel who talk to offenders that are convicted of drunk driving. These individuals are brought face to face with victims and their family members of drunk driving. These programs have high hopes of deterring individuals from committing such acts. Offender Impact Punishment through incarceration has many effects on convicted criminals. Incarceration has many effects on the offender psychological well-being. When an offender is separated from their family, it causes severe depression. Supporters of rehabilitation versus punishment argue that sentencing offenders to incarceration hurt the family structure by contributing to single parenting. They also argue that punishment causes social disorientation, alienation, and also increases the risk of recidivism. When an offender is released from incarceration, they face social isolation, stigmatism, economic and employment challenges. Rehabilitation through community supervision eliminates many of these issues, such as the economic & employment factor. Probation allows offenders to remain with their families, continue working or find employment under close supervision. Drug Courts There are certain crimes that would benefit from rehabilitation more so than punishment, such as non-violent drug related. Criminals who commit acts of crimes to support their drug habit need treatment more than punishment. In many states, such as New York, Drug courts have been established. Drug courts represent the coordinated efforts of the judiciary, prosecution, defense bar, probation, law enforcement, mental health, social service, and treatment communities to actively and forcefully intervene and break the cycle of substance abuse, addiction, and crime. Drug courts quickly identify substance-abusing offenders and place them under strict court monitoring and community supervision, coupled with effective, long-term treatment services. The National Drug Court Institute describes the process that a participant as an intense regimen of substance abuse and mental health treatment, case management, drug testing, and probation supervision while reporting to regularly scheduled status hearings before a judge. In addition, drug courts may provide job skill training, family/group counseling, and many other life-skill enhancement services. Data consistently show that treatment, when completed is effective and loss more cost effective. Social Impact upon Society The social impact of punishment and rehabilitation varies from the increasing costs of correctional facilities to the disruption of families to the fear of criminals released into community. Society’s view plays a major role in the criminal justice system. Society’s belief’s in the â€Å"just desserts† theory has played a role in the courts. The push for mandatory sentencing has even entered political campaigns in response to the public. â€Å"Getting tough on crime† was the basis behind different mandatory sentencing practices. The increase of correctional facilities is also related to society’s impact on punishment versus rehabilitation. Fiscal Impact The fiscal impact that punishment has on our country is phenomenal. It has been reported that it costs an average of $30,000 per year to house, feed, clothe, and supervise a prisoner. This figure does not include the costs of construction and other factors. Many rehabilitation programs have been introduced to not only help deter crime, but also to reduce the rising cost  of punishment. Privatization of corrections has been also looked at as an effort to reduce the costs of punishment. Many states have also instituted alternatives to incarceration such as â€Å"boot camps† or â€Å"shock camps†. These programs are proven to be less costly than incarceration. The cost of shock incarceration in New York State has been estimated to be $10,000 less per year per prisoner than the cost of traditional incarceration (Punishment vs. rehabilitation: A Proposal for revising Sentencing Practices, September 1991) The use of intensive parole programs has been estimated to save taxpa yers an estimated ten to thirteen thousand dollars per year compared to the cost of incarceration. Overview of Punishment and Rehabilitation Punishment and rehabilitation are a major part of the criminal justice system and will be effective in controlling crime if there is a way to incorporate the two factors to work together. Punishing and following up with rehabilitation through community supervision can be the source of helping deter crime. Punishment and community supervision should be based on the type of crime. If the appropriate sentence is issued upon an offender, it can help deter them from future criminal activity. Punishment vs. Rehabilitation in the Criminal Justice System Works Cited Cadigan, Brian. â€Å"Correcting Our Flawed Criminal Justice System, One Private Prison at a Time.† The Bottom Line UCSB. N.p., 11 May 2011. Web. 09 May 2013. Dutta, Sunil. â€Å"How to Fix America’s Broken Criminal Justice System.† The Christian Science Monitor. The Christian Science Monitor, 30 Dec. 2010. Web. 07 May 2013. Vedantam, Shankar. â€Å"When Crime Pays: Prison Can Teach Some To Be Better Criminals.† NPR. NPR, 01 Feb. 2013. Web. 07 May 2013.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

How does the legalization of marijuana affect Americas economy and Research Paper

How does the legalization of marijuana affect Americas economy and patients who need marijuana for medical purposes - Research Paper Example This discussion explores ways in which legalization of the drug affects America’s economy and patients who need marijuana for medical purposes through answering the following question. One of the arguments that have been fronted in advocacy for marijuana legalization is the potential economic benefits that the move could offer at macroeconomic level. Bradford (1) reports economic effects that two states in the United States, having legalized marijuana, could benefits. Professional opinions among economists support this. According to estimates, Colorado and Washington are likely to expand their revenues by a total of $ 550 million and estimates from similar sources indicate an annual expansion of the United States economy by about $ 14 billion. Legalizing marijuana and levying fee for dealership is another significant benefit to the government as a source of revenue and this has proved successful in Mendocino county of California. This is good news especially because the nation is facing problems of budget deficit that the additional revenue can remedy. In addition to the direct benefits that legalizing marijuana could offer, it would also reduce government expense s that are associated with enforcement of marijuana laws. According to data from the year 2007, the nation spends as high as $ I billion dollars on incarcerating convicts on marijuana charges and a change in the law would save the expenditure that can be used in other utilities, especially on investment expenditure for economic development. Reports by economists estimate that the government spends about $ 13.7 billion in enforcing current marijuana laws and legalization would save this amount that could be used in funding social or investment projects. The savings also include potential tax revenues that the legalization could derive. Price reduction is another potential economic benefit

Friday, September 27, 2019

Child marriage in Tanzania Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Child marriage in Tanzania - Essay Example Early marriage is a deadly practice that exposes a girl to numerous health challenges. One among them is the psychological trauma of being exposed to adulthood responsibilities before the child is fully mature. Most of the girls are married off to men that are much older than them, and even fit to be called their fathers. In the marriage, the man they are married to and his relatives expose them to physical abuse and assault. Early marriage also denies the child a chance to grow and enjoy her childhood. She is forced to behave like a woman as she takes upon the responsibilities that are too big for her. The girl is also denied the chance to attend school and achieve her dreams as she is looked at as property rather than a person with an independent mind. Most of the girls become pregnant at very tender ages before their reproductive systems are fully mature. Early marriage is a mentality that is deep rooted in the Maasai communities in Tanzania. A woman has no say in any matters that pertain to her life. The mentality implies that the men are the overall decision makers and the women have to agree to them, whether they think it is right or not. From the film, we realize that the mothers of the girls have no power to stop their husbands from marrying off their daughters at a tender age. Circumcision, commonly known as female genital mutilation is a cultural practice that binds women regarding making decisions. The women cannot say no to the practice, which is usually a sign that they are ready for marriage.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Law and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Law and ethics - Essay Example In the business world, the main reason for setting up an enterprise is to make profits and expand further. In this regard, the prime goal in business is maximizing inputs and limiting outputs within the company (Shaw 15). Business competitions are considered setbacks which require companies to implement brilliant strategies to overcome and remain relevant within the business community. According to the excerpt given, Jennifer can use the information to her business advantage but the success would not be just in that it was achieved in an unethical way. Studies reveal that competitive intelligence may not be unethical but Jennifer is faced by two dilemmas; business prosperity or lack of integrity. The process of decision making plays a significant role in the running of an organization. For the betterment of the organization, making decisions must at least be based on accurate statistics, scientific studies or certain principals. Being a leader and a level manager, the decisions made by Jennifer will influence those around her. The resolution of the two issues will affect Jennifer, the company as a separate entity and the competitor whose private data is publicized. Being in Jennifer’s position, her integrity as a businessperson will be affected in whatever choice she chooses to undertake. If she chooses to use the competitor’s information, her lack of integrity will render the enterprise’s success unethical. Consequently, if the business is passed to other business partners, they will lose faith in her management skills. Faith from business partners is important especially during transactions since business partners rely on the history of other business partners for decision-making purposes. The resolution to inform the competitor company of the breach would earn her respect from other partners and likely to have impacts in her business on the long run. The information leak is on the internet which she cannot control but through

Super sleuth supermarket observation study Essay

Super sleuth supermarket observation study - Essay Example Tesco possess a wide portfolio of its store which includes: Tesco super store, Tesco Store, Tesco extra, Tesco metro. All this stores provides good service and excellent value to its customers. The difficulties that Tesco faced previously were due to low price inflation for food, less growth in population, difficulty in getting permission for setting the supermarket, saturated market and also competition. But today Tesco is considered as an example and treated as a model for supermarket across the world. According to the survey conducted on a weekend in Tesco store it was found that people of all age visit Tesco. But customer in the age band 20-45 years is found more as compared to customer falling in other age band. Both male and female customer was found on the store but as compared to male, female customers was more in number. Jaguar and Rover was found more in number in the parking space of the store. They mainly preferred casual. The store was crowded as it was a weekend therefore the store was more crowded as compared to other weekdays. The research was conducted in the evening which is the peak time in the weekend. The customers were checking the items of the list. The impulse item of Tesco was confectionary. More than 50 % of the crowd of the store was found at the confectionary division of the store. (RÃ ¼ther 32) While conducting a market survey it was revealed that a customer purchased Tesco extra large code fillets batter. The customer was so happy and overwhelmed when she came home and opens the pack. She was so excited and satisfied that she recommended to her friends relatives and other family members. In another case it was found that a customer who took his daughter for a lunch at Tesco and ordered for sandwich which they prefer to have whenever they come to Tesco. But when the sandwich was served it was found that the quality has degraded and the ingredient that was stuffed inside the sandwich was of low quality. But with

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

On Television Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

On Television - Essay Example He goes on questioning whether the television medium presents the topics accurately or imperatively. The problem of the journalists and the news field is focusing on the truth which has chances to get either approved or disapproved. Like what has been discussed in the argument that â€Å"television presentations almost automatically dumb down due to cultural –social and technological structures of the field†. But according to Bourdieu the documentary series or program takes a little time to reach the likeness or approval of the audience than the story telling session, or dramas. The reason he has analysed is that news reports will be concentrated towards emphasising the true incident which has brought changes in the television production of the news field in a cultural concept, and the relationship that exist between the intellectuals and the public or the political and the social community. The success of the journalism in television media seems to depend mostly on the responsibility that the intellectual takes to reach the political and the social community. He mainly argues the role and the impact of the journalistic field in a television media with the social and cultural structures. He looks at the solution form the perspective of an individual, and so he says that if an individual takes the role of organising a news documentary for a television presentation so cautiously keeping in mind the social and political expectation rather than obliging what the television industry has to impose on a cultural circle. The television has changed the role of the journalistic field, though it has all forms of technologies to present the information true to life, the journalistic media remains a decline among the public. This he finds due to many reasons one would be that television has all the powerful cultural means to present all the recent political as well as social and cultural issues more effectively than the print media, as a result the television industry and

Monday, September 23, 2019

Business Law - land law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Law - land law - Case Study Example By its very nature, a claim of adverse possession is hostile to the claims of other persons. It cannot be hidden but must be open and notorious in order to put other persons on notice as to one's claim for possession of the real estate. A claim to title by adverse possession often must be made under color of title. Color of title means a claim to title by way of a fact which, although on its face appears to support a person's claim to title, is in some way defective and falls short of actually establishing title to the real estate. An example of a claim made under color of title would be a deed whose execution was defective or is in question. Another example is a claim arising from another person's Last Will and Testament. Yet another common example is where two or more persons have received separate deeds to the same parcel of real estate." Black's Law (2006). "Unknown to the owner, a third person - a "squatter" - may be in illegal and unauthorized occupation of a far corner of the land parcel. If nothing is done to remove him, after a certain period of time the squatter may eventually acquire legal rights over the land parcel, or part of it. Further, questions may arise as to the relationship between the formal owner of the land parcel, often a male, and other family members. What interests, if any, do women and other members of the owner's family hold in the land" Hodgson (2004). Second, does he have a reason to believe that he has a right to be there and keep the land Hill Bob may have been given a portion of the land through title in a last will and testament. Third, how many years has he actually lived on the land Hill Bob would be able to claim adverse possession of a portion of the land if it were obvious that he could support that claim. In Colorado, the duration of such possession is seven (7) years if the claimant claims under color of title. If the claimant does not make his/her claim under color of title, the duration of possession is eighteen (18) years. Colorado Code 38-41-101, 108, 109. Fourth, has he ever been told by a previous owner that in exchange for work completed to the land, a portion of the land belonged to him in exchange For example in a different state, the person claiming must past three tests. "Under the Limitations Act in Ontario, an owner's title to land can be extinguished by the adverse possession of another person for a period of 10 years. In order for an adverse possession claim to succeed, the person claiming the disputed land must meet three tests. Throughout the entire 10-year period, he or she must have:had actual exclusive, open, and visible possession,had the intention to exclude the true owner from possession, and effectively excluded the true owner from possession." Aaron (2002) In summary, if Tim sued Hill Bill and Hill Bill has been in possession of the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Architecture - Avant Garde Architectural Theory Essay

Architecture - Avant Garde Architectural Theory - Essay Example In the beginning of 1922, the Viennese Hungarian Activists were gaining victory. After banishing from Hungary they got together in Vienna. Earlier this year, some of them started to get cut off from Kassak and Ma, making their own groups. In impact of Russian Avant garde was the main cause for the Hungarian Activists to break from Dada and join International Constructivism. The Activist "artists and writers" were the main groups forming the Hungarian Avant garde during that time (Botar, 1993). Brutalism was a movement in architecture which flourished in the 1960s and 1970s. Pioneered in continental Europe by Le Corbusier, its main protagonists in Britain were the husband and wife team of Peter and Alison Smithson. The Smithsons were determined to preserve the best aspects of the heroic Modernism of Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe and other early pioneers, and to save British Modernism from what they considered creeping whimsies. The term itself (often credited to the critic Reynar Banham) is perhaps unfortunate- suggesting as it does a type of building which is ugly and unfriendly, and its association with much of Britain's welfare state architecture has not helped the movement's reputation, at least in the eyes of the public (The New Architecture, 1955). Also in the research paper, one building and one piece of text will be analysed. The building to be analysed is the Hunstanton school, by Alison and Peter Smithson in Norfolk, Britain and the piece of text to be analysed is "Banham, Peter Rayner 1955-'The New Brutalism' from architecture review." After the Second World War, British Modernists were increasingly sought after by the authorities who wanted to rebuild a physically shattered country and enact social change through the construction of a cradle-to-grave welfare state. But the architecture of the early welfare state avoided the stringent Modernism advocated by the pre-war pioneers in CIAM, opting instead to ape the gentle style of Sweden's long established social architecture. The apotheosis of this 'humanist' Modernism came in 1951, with the Festival of Britain, centred on the South Bank in London. (The New Architecture, 1955) For Peter and Alison Smithson, modernism was not just that. They demanded a return to a more rigid, formal architecture and put their ideas to work with their Secondary School in Hunstanton, Norfolk, completed in 1954. At Hunstanton, the Smithsons made a virtue of the construction process of the building: structural and service elements were left exposed and the austere steel and glass frame gave the building a skeletal appearance. This "truth to materials" approach was anti-aesthetic, but, the Smithsons believed, more honest and true to Modernism's basic principles. Reynar Banham dubbed the school 'the New Brutalism', a movement which aimed, in his words, to "make the whole conception of the building plain and comprehensible. No mystery, no romanticism, no obscurities about function and circulation." In France, Le Corbusier was also experimenting with new ways of using the Modernists' favourite material, concrete. His "breton brut" (literally, "raw concrete") technique characterised his Unite d'Habitation in Marseilles: a giant housing block with shops and other

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Exhibition Essay Example for Free

Exhibition Essay Introduction A good exhibition programme will sell itself. The money spent on marketing would be better spent on the exhibition themselves In the business environment, there is a lot of competition that every business faces in its day to day operations. This means that if a business cannot keep up with the competition or beat its competitors then there is a high likelihood of it collapsing, something that will highly cost the investors. Therefore, every business must ensure that it is able to meet its main objective which in many cases is to make and maximize profits through high sales. To achieve higher or increased sales, business investors can apply various strategies of winning customers and overcoming the stiff competition in the business environment. For a business to be able to accomplish higher or increase in sales and obtain more customers who will in turn result into higher profits for the business, the investors can apply marketing strategy as a form of making their products known to customers which is may be a bit costly t the business since it will have to incur various expenses. On the other hand, a business can opt for exhibition as a form of selling its products to its customers. Exhibition can simply be defined as a presentation and a display of various items that have been selected to attract customers and induce sales. Exhibition Programme as a Marketing tool An exhibition program is the strategy put in place by a business of presenting and displaying a selection of various products of a business for customers to purchase and to attract new customers. Having a good exhibition programme in a business will sell itself to customers and will help increase the sales of the business. This means that the money used by investors in areas such as marketing strategies can be spent on exhibition so that the business can achieve more sales and hence more profits for the business. Exhibitions also know as trade fairs, expos or even trade shows can help achieve various results for a business as will be discussed here. In many occasions, the exhibitions are in most cases organized by various interested parties so that various organizations in a certain specific industry or who have a specific interest can showcase and give a demonstration of the various latest products, study activities, and even services of competitors and also to have a look at the current trends in the business industry and the opportunities that may be available for the business to venture in. There are some exhibitions which are always open to the public while there are others which can only be attended by various company representatives who are members of that trade and also the members of the press for coverage of the exhibition (Siskind, 2005). Through the years exhibitions have been identified as one of the most effective and efficient tool that is powerful and effective for doing business. An exhibition involves the business investors being able to meet the customers face-to-face and hence create a great target opportunity for the business to achieve the various trade objectives that it has. Exhibitions are known to be one of the most cost effective for of reaching out to the customers since the business investor is able to reach the customers at one time and in one place that does not involve moving the location. Therefore, it is notable that exhibitions have various advantages for a business if a good exhibition programme is created and implemented by the business investor (TileagÄÆ', Cosmescu, 2012). Advantages of Exhibition Exhibition as a means of trade for a business has various advantages to any form of business if created and implemented in a good way as compared to marketing strategies. Discussed below are the advantages that a business will derive from a good exhibition programme implemented by an investor: Customer contact In exhibitions, the business investors have the opportunity of meeting the customers face-to-face in one time and in one place. This means that the trade shows or exhibition provides a very excellent and conducive environment for the business investors to initiate contacts with customers who are new to the business. This helps the business investor to be able to develop new trade leads for the products of the business since the investor is able to answer any questions that the new customers may have concerning the products that the business is offering (Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft, 2010). The business has the first hand opportunity of giving detailed information to the new customers about their products that are under exhibition and in turn this will help in creating a new customer base for the business. In addition to the new customers whom the business investor has the opportunity to win over for the business and creating new customer base, the business investor is also able to renew its old contacts with the valued clients of the company or business firm. There are times when businesses lose their old clients due to various reasons. Through a good exhibition programme, the business investor is bale to renew the lost contacts with its previous customers and also to inform the old customers of the new products that the company may be offering in addition to the improvements that the business has made on the previous products that it was offering (Frain, 1999). Opportunity to create an Image for the Business Through exhibitions, the business investor is able to meet new and old customers some of who may not e familiar with the business. The contact that the business investor has with the customers offers an opportunity for the investor to create and improve the image of the business towards the customers. Customers who had a bad perception about the business will be able to have firsthand experience of knowing more about the business and the products of the investors and get clear understanding of how the business operates and what products the company is offering to its clients (Johnston, Beaton, 1998). This means that, not only will the company be able to win ore customers but it will be able to give firsthand information to the customers which will help in improving the image of the business. A good image for the business means that customers will want to associate with the business; hence those customers who visit the exhibition will also inform other people about the business. This will act as a way of advertising the business through word of mouth from those customers who had the firsthand experience with the business at the exhibition. Therefore, it is quite notable that exhibitions not only bring new business contacts but also helps to strengthen and maybe restore the image of the business which is important for every business to succeed. Product and service launch platforms Many businesses always face the challenge of launching their products and services to the market. Launching of a new product or service by a company can be very challenging to any business and can also be costly in terms of advertisements as a form of marketing for the new products and services. Many platforms that business investors can use to launch their new products or services are always costly and at times may not be effective in reaching out to as many customers as possible. To overcome this challenge that is involved in the launching of new products or services to the market by business investors, exhibitions offer a much better platform for the business investor to launch their products or services. Exhibitions in many cases involve live presentations and various demonstrations of the products or services of the company to the customers. This means that the products or the services are able to â€Å"speak† for themselves and influence the customers to make purchases or even obtain the services even if they were not prepared to do so in the first place. When customers are able to see for themselves the use of a product or the importance of a product at first hand, they tend to have the urge to try out the product or service so that they can find out if whatever they saw during the live presentations and demonstrations are actually the results that they can obtain from using the particular product or service which has been launched into the market. This means that the process of selling the new products or services is accelerated (Frain, 1999). When the customers are influenced to purchase the new products or services that have been launched at the exhibition trough live presentations and demonstrations, the sales of the products or services are likely to increase, and this will mean that new sales will be generated for the company at a quicker rate than through marketing. Launching of a new product or service through live presentations or demonstrations at the exhibitions means that the company will not incur a lot of costs that are always involved in the launching of new products or services (Johnston, Beaton, 1998). Marketing communications In the exhibitions or trade fairs, there is always a lot of focus that is always put on the company and the products r services that the company is offering. Many exhibitions involve the media and hence the attention of the media is always on the company and the products or services of the company. This means that the business investor has an opportunity of focusing his/her public relations efforts on raising the profile of the company and that of the products or services of the company. This will also help in improving the image of the company. Since the focus of the media attention is on the company and the products or the services that the company s offering, there is an opportunity for the company to advertise itself without incurring any extra cost on advertisement of the company’s products or services.   The exhibition offers a platform for improvement of the company’s public relations since the company comes into closer contact with the public than it could do through areas such as advertisements. This will also help in improving the image of the company and the image of the products of the company by building trust and good relations with the customers who have visited the exhibition. Therefore, exhibitions will not only help in developing great public relations, building company’s image but also will help in opening new markets for the company (Frain, 1999). A high return/expense ratio Every business investor has one aim in business which they strive to accomplish through every operation that the business undertakes. The main objective for any business investor in a business environment is to make and maximize profits. For the business to obtain profits it must incur costs that are involved in the running of the business. Costs in business may be in form of advertisements, production and any other operational costs for the company. Higher profits and maximization of profits can only be achieved by a business if the business ensures that the costs that it incurs are less and do not exceed their sales. To achieve this, a company must ensure that it employs strategies that will help in minimizing costs involved in its operation while at the same time maximizing its sales for higher profits. The returns must always be higher while the expenses must always be lower in any successful business. This means that a business must always be able to obtain high returns from its sales when compared to the expense that the business has incurred in its operations. Exhibitions help businesses in achieving this objective of higher returns compared to the expenses incurred. The expenses that a business will incur in its operations when conducting exhibitions is less when compared to other forms of marketing such as advertisements. Exhibitions also create an opportunity for higher sales for the business since the company is able to attract more customers through close customer contact, live presentations and demonstrations. Since exhibitions are conducted in one time and in one place, any costs involved such as transportation costs are minimised, customers are able to find the products of the company in one place without having to move from one place to another (Johnston, Beaton, 1998). This means that exhibitions have a higher return/expense ratio, something which every business always strive to achieve. The higher return/expense ratio is as a result of the following reasons: Many customers or attendees who come to the exhibitions always arrive with a particular agenda or a need which they seek to accomplish at the exhibition. This means that the customers who arrive at the exhibition will not cause the business to incur more expenses in attracting the customers except for what has already been incurred to prepare for the exhibition. In the exhibitions, the business investors do not require to make any sales calls to close the deals with the customers since most of the people who attend have their agenda already set. This means that the business will not incur any extra cost involved n making sales calls since the live presentations and the demonstrations of the company’s products or service are enough to lead the customers to purchase the products or services of the company. Compared to product or services sales calls which are quite costly, the exhibition leads do not require a lot of expense to accomplish or close a deal. Field sales require sales calls to be made by the company but in the exhibitions on the demonstrations and live presentations are enough. This means that exhibitions are much cheaper in helping the business to achieve its main objective of maximizing profits and minimizing expense hence higher returns/expense ratio which is good for the business. Exhibition provides an avenue for the exchange of information between the exhibition attendees and the companies that are displaying their products or services at the exhibition. At the exhibition, the business investor has the opportunity to pass information to the customers about the products or services that the company is offering since the investor comes into face-to-face contact with the new and old customers. These customers will in turn act as a tool of advertising the products and services of the company to those other potential customers who never went to the exhibition. The customers help in advertising the company’s products and services through word of mouth. This helps the company to reach more potential customers without incurring extra costs of advertisement. Therefore, exhibitions help the company to achieve higher return/expense ratio which will in turn mean the company will be able to maximize profits (Frain, 1999). Business-to-Business trading Exhibitions also play an important role in a business if a good exhibition programme is created and implemented by a business. Through exhibition, a company is able to meet with other business investors. This will enable the business to exchange business ideas and information which might be helpful to the running of the business. Exhibitions help the investor to identify and establish new joint ventures and projects by other business investors which may result in partnership hence helping to expand the business. This is because, at the exhibitions, the business investor may meet other business investors who share the same business ideas and beliefs which then could translate into new ventures for the business (Ellis, 2010). New Recruitment There are some many people who attend exhibitions some of who are potential business agents, distributors or even employees for the business. Through the opportunity of face-to-face interaction between the business investor and the exhibition attendees, the business investor has the opportunity of identifying and recruiting new business agents, distributors and even staffs for the business. The business investor does not incur any extra cost in this activity since they are able to meet the potential agents, distributors and even staffs face-to-face without having to locate them. This also helps in saving time in terms of searching for new agents, distributors or even employees (Ellis, 2010). Easy Market Research and Information Gathering When a business investor involves in exhibitions, they have the opportunity of meeting the customers face-to-face. The business investor through live presentations and demonstrations of the products or services of the company is able to obtain an immediate feedback from the new customers or the old customers on the various products or services that the company offers. This can be done through free samples and the live presentations and demonstrations. Since there is face-to-face contact, the customers are able to provide an immediate feedback about the product or the service (Morley, Lees, 2009). The company can use these feedbacks to improve on its products or services or simply to maintain the quality depending on the feedback they obtain. The company does not have to wait for too long to obtain customer feedback. The feedback obtained by the company at an exhibition can be used immediately by the company to help it achieve more results for its products or services. In addition, through the feedback the company is able to obtain at an exhibition, the company is able to understand the needs of the customers and in turn react immediately to those needs than the competitors in the same market (Huang, Lund, 2009). Focusing on the needs of the customers is crucial to a business and also helps the business to overcome competition and hence immediate feedback through the interaction at the exhibition, helps the business to keep its focus on the actual needs of the customers. The exhibitions also helps in understanding the strengths and weakness of the competitors since the research results and feedback obtained during the exhibition, can help the business in knowing what areas of business it can improve on to fight off competition. Exhibition helps the business to understand how competitors react to the needs of customers and also to learn the various changes that are taking place within the industry of the business. Research and immediate customer feedback obtained by the company during the exhibition helps the company to stay ahead of the competitors through product or services advancement and the use of new technology. The graph below illustrates the effectiveness of various channels of marketing in the exchange and gathering of information in any business environment: From the Figure 1 above, it can be noted that exhibitions and Personal sales share the same percentage in terms of exchange and gathering of information for the business when engaging customers and other potential business partners. This is due to the reason that, under exhibitions and personal sales, there is close contact with the customer hence the higher chances of getting information in an easy and quicker way. Convenience Marketing requires large sums of money to conduct in a business. This means that the business will not be able to achieve higher profits. On the other hand, in an exhibition, the business needs only to hire a stand where it will display its products and services. This is quite a convenience for the company since the company will not have to spend a lot of money while at the same time the impact of the exhibition will be greater than that experienced with marketing such as advertisement. For those business investors who are not sure of the amount of return on investment they will achieve when first attending an exhibition, this is a very convenient way o introduce products or services to the public at a cheaper cost (Solberg, 2013). Flexibility Every business seeks a way of undertaking its operations while at the same time having the opportunity to change whenever necessary and still achieve its main objective of higher profits. Exhibitions offer an opportunity to be flexible since the business investor has the ability and freedom to customize his/her exhibits for each exhibition that they have to attend. This means that the business investor has the opportunity to experiment on matters such as size and also has the opportunity to configure their exhibits to see and find out what works best for the schedule of exhibitions that the company has to attend in its quest to make profits and expand its markets. Cost effectiveness Exhibitions are quite cost effective to any business especially through the hiring of the exhibition stand. It is also cost effective since exhibitions provide extra options whereby, the business investor is able to stretch the budget for the exhibition to include many other new options that the business investor may not have been able to afford. These may include issues such as dramatic lighting, brochure racks, furniture and even extra large formatted graphics among others which can be added to create a greater impact for the business exhibition at no extra cost hence making exhibitions a lot cheaper than marketing strategies such as advertisement (Raluca, Cristina, 2008). The graph below helps to demonstrate the effectiveness of exhibition as a method of promoting the products or services of a company when compared to the other channels or strategies such as direct marketing, Print advertising, Public relations, and the internet: From the Figure 2 above, Series 1 represents the Benefits of Products and Services when the various strategies are applied by a business in selling of its products and services. The above Figure 2 demonstrates that a good exhibition programme is quite effective in helping the business to benefit from its products and services since it is able to realize more sales when compared to the other channels of product or service marketing. Series 2 in Figure 1 above represents the impact of the various channels on the building of public relationships with the customers and other potential customers or business partners. From the graph, it can be noted that exhibitions gives a higher percentage when it comes to issue of building public relationship with the customers and potential business partners. This is due to the reason that, under exhibition, the business investor is in close contact with the customers and the potential business partners hence a greater advantage in building public relationship that is stronger (Solberg, 2013). The internet is the poor performer in terms of benefits of the products and services of the company since some aspects such as customer contact is not available. Therefore, it can be said that exhibition, as a mode of product and services marketing has a greater impact in terms of achieving the main objective of every business of maximizing profits and also creating and maintaining great public relationship with customers and the potential investors. The other advantage that is derived from exhibitions is that the business investor has the opportunity to observe and evaluate the products of the competitors of the business. This will enable the business investor to know the strengths and weaknesses of the competitors in terms of the products that they are offering to the customers. Knowing the products or services that the competitors of the business are offering gives the business an added advantage since the investor is able to know what changes to make on their product or services so that they are superior to the products of the competitors (Mei-Chin, Sui-Ming, 2013). Having superior products or services to those of the competitors will mean that the business is capable of overcoming the competition in the market. Problems Associated with Exhibitions Even though exhibitions may be the best form of business promotion for products and services, there are various challenges or problems that business investors will be faced with in the process of participating in exhibitions or trade shows. Some of those problems are such as increase in costs of construction and exhibits, personnel travelling, boarding and lodging fees which add to the cost of conducting the exhibitions (Honess, 1997). In addition, the choice of which exhibitions to participate in, how much to be spent on every exhibition, and ways of building exhibits that will be attractive to customers are some of the other challenges that are faced by business investors who engage in business exhibitions to sell and promote their products and services. Ways of overcoming challenges involved in Exhibitions There are some considerations and issues that a business investor will need to put in mind so that they can engage in a successful exhibition. In addition, to achieve the above advantages for the business through exhibitions, business investors need to plan and create an exhibition programme that is good and capable of achieving the above advantages and bring high returns for the business (White, 2013). The following are some of the considerations and objectives that a business investor will need to set when engaging in exhibition as a form of promoting the products or services of the company to achieve maximum results: Overall purpose of participation Every business encounter such as involvement and participation in exhibitions requires that a business investor must have an objective they want to achieve through the exhibition. There must be a goal to be accomplished at the end of the exhibition and without setting out the objective or purpose of participation, then success in an exhibition will not be achieved ( Thomas, 1995). Creating actual Sales Business investors who participate in exhibitions must ensure that there are actual sales made during the exhibition. This should be the main objective of participating in an exhibition since more sales translates into more profits for the business. There is no business that wants to incur costs and realize no sales. Therefore, the exhibition must help to realize actual sales for the business for it to be considered successful and beneficial. Identifying potential customers For a successful exhibition, a business investor must have an objective of identifying and obtaining potential new customers for the business and improving on the relations with the older customers. This ensures the business of an added market and creating a new market for the products and services of the company. In addition, the business investor must be able to obtain sales leads for the business. This will enable the business to make sales without making sales calls which are costly. Gathering Competitive Intelligence For a successful exhibition, the business investor must ensure that they are able to obtain competitive intelligence that will give them an added advantage over the competitors. Every business investor who attends an exhibition must be able to information that is relevant for the business and which can help the business to better its performance and achieve higher profits (Havaldar, 2005). Target audience to be reached There are different types of people who attend the exhibitions. For success of the business in an exhibition and to be able o achieve maximum results from the exhibition, the business investor must be able the audience that they want to reach out to with their products and services. Identifying the suitable and targeted audience makes it easy for the business investor to sell their products and services to the targeted market since the products and services will have been made to suit that particular targeted audience. Therefore, based on the various specific objectives that a business investor has laid down for the business, he/she is able to make a decision on which exhibitions to attend that will bring maximum results for the business and at a cheaper cost (Thomas, 1995). Conclusion There are many forms of business promotion that an investor or companies can apply to promote their products or service and achieve results. Businesses have a main aim and objective of maximizing profits at the lowest costs possible. Some of the methods of product or service promotion are costly and the results achieved may not be impressive. Therefore, compared to the other forms of business product or service promotion, exhibition comes out as one of the most effective tool of marketing products or services of a company. Exhibitions provide a cheaper avenue of promoting a business while at the same time availing so many opportunities to the business which are useful in helping the business to achieve maximum profits. Therefore, exhibition can be said to be one of the most effective form of product or services promotion for any business due to the various advantages that the business can achieve at lower costs. References Ausstellungs- und Messe-Ausschuss der Deutschen Wirtschaft. (2010). Exhibition Market   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Latin America 2011/2012: Trade Shows in Latin America: New Opportunities for   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   International Exhibitors. Stuttgart: local global GmbH. Ellis, N. (2010). Business-to-business marketing: Relationships, networks and strategies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Frain, J. (1999). Introduction to marketing. London: International Thomson Business. Havaldar, K. K. (2005). Industrial marketing: Text and cases. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. Honess, S. (1997). Marketing for construction firms. London: Thomas Telford. Huang, B., Lund, D. W. (2009). Influence of the Yiwu Fair on the development of business travel and the local economy. Global Business Organizational Excellence, 28(6),   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   53-63. Johnston, S., Beaton, H. (1998). Foundations of international marketing. London:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   International Thomson Business. Mei-Chin, C., Sui-Ming, C. (2013). Effective Marketing Strategies to Attract Business   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Visitors at Trade Shows. International Journal Of Business Management, 8(24),   Ã‚   64-72. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v8n24p64 Morley, J., Lees, S. (2009). The brighter marketing bible: For small businesses. England?:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Lean Marketing Press. Raluca, C., Cristina, D. (2008). Measuring The Efficiency Of The Prospecting Activity.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Annals Of The University Of Oradea, Economic Science Series, 17(4), 796-801. Siskind, B. (2005). Powerful exhibit marketing: The complete guide to successful trade   Ã‚   shows, conferences and consumer shows. Mississauga, Ont: J. Wiley Sons Canada. Solberg, S. K. (2013). Exhibit marketing and trade show intelligence: Successful boothmanship and booth design. Berlin: Springer. Thomas, M. J. (1995). Gower handbook of marketing. Aldershot, Hampshire, England:    Gower. TileagÄÆ', C., Cosmescu, I. (2012). Realities And Perspectives Of Business Tourism On A   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Global Scale. Annals Of The University Of Oradea,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Economic Science Series, 21(1),   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   432-438. White, D. (2013). Get set for your first exhibition. Fmcg, 19(2), 49.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects of Vitamin C on Chemotherapy Outcome | Claim Review

Effects of Vitamin C on Chemotherapy Outcome | Claim Review Media Claim on ‘Vitamin C’ gives chemotherapy a boost’ The headline ‘Vitamin C’ gives chemotherapy a boost’ suggested by a US scientist was a misleading and inaccurate statement as the study was looking specific at late stage ovarian cancer. From the study, scientists did not find high dosage of vitamin C help with cancer survival nor reducing the risk of cancer (Ma and Chapman et al., 2014). Yet, the study did show that there was a slight chance of reducing minor chemotherapy side effect. Therefore, the study has been oversimplified and misinterprets results and statements which can lead to assumptions from general public misunderstanding this article resulting in toxicity of vitamin C when overdosed. Overdose of vitamin C can lead to other problems and health disease such as indigestion, diarrhea and iron poisoning which only occurs in people who have rare iron overload disorders – hemochromatosis (Zobel, 1976), lack of vitamin C in the diet can also cause scurvy (Naidu,2003). ‘Vitamin C’ gives chemotherapy a boost’ was published in BBC Health website on 9th February 2014, written by Helen Briggs and science editor. Comments were from Dr Jeanne Drisko, lead researcher Qi Chen and Dr Kat Arnet – science communications manager for Cancer Research UK. The claim is based on a study that was carried out by researchers from University of Kansas in the US and world cancer research fund (WCRF) and American Institute for cancer research (AICR). The article itself was published in the peer-reviewed journal, Science Translation Medicine. Cancer is a condition where specific cells in parts of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably and forming tumours. Cancer cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue and organs (King and Rotter et al., 1992). Cancer may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic system or bloodstream (Mendelsohn, 2008). Many factors have been identified which can increase risk of cancer such as tobacco use, dietary intake, certain infections, environmental radiation, lack of physical exercise, obesity and genetics which potentially can damage genes and causes mutation in cells (Kushi and Byers et al., 2006). Many researchers have found that there are over 200 different types of cancer cells (Schram and Ng, 2012). However, according to Jemal and Bray et al., 2011, many cancers can be prevented by living healthier life styles, one of the factors is reducing excess smoking which can preclude the risk of getting lungs cancer, plus eating plenty of fresh vegetable and fruits, and reducing the intake of meat and carbohydrates can prevent other health factors such as obesity. Ovarian cancer is where cancer cells are found in ovaries. However, the exact causes of cancer still remain unknown (Hunn and Rodriguez, 2012). Women who have had menopause and have not had any children would have a higher chance of developing ovarian cancer (Vo and Carney, 2007). However, ovarian cancer can affect all ages. There are three types of ovarian cancer – epithelial ovarian cancer; germ cell tumours and stromal tumours (Bandera and Era, 2005). The best and effective treatment for ovarian cancer are the combination of surgery and chemotherapy, all treatments are depending on the stages of cancer (Ehrlich and Teitelbaum et al., 2007). Vitamin C also known as ascorbic acid acts as an antioxidant; an oxidative stress; an enzyme cofactor for the biosynthesis, also most importantly vitamin C acts an electron donor for enzymes (Vobecky and Shapcott et al., 1975). Acting as an antioxidant prevents free radicals during oxidation reaction to form chain reactions in cells which can damage or kill cells. Instead, antioxidant interacts with those chain reactions by removing free radicals and inhibits other oxidation reactions in the cells, protecting against lip peroxidation, reducing nitrates and stimulating the immune system (Bender, 1993). Vitamin C has also shown to inhibit formation of carcinogens and protects DNA from mutagenic attack and most vitamin C is found in critic fruits (Combs, 2012). Furthermore, Ma and Chapman et al., 2014 stated that the study was looking if vitamin C could potentially be a cancer treatment and the study was mainly looking into women who are in their late stage ovarian cancer. BBC’s report on this study was miscellaneous as there were some bias comments towards the study, but BBC did include some accurate quotes from the study such as the sample size only 22 patients were participated which showed that the study was not reliable as the sample size was too small to prove whether vitamin C helped to kill cancer cells or increase survival rate (Park, 2013). Moreover, the title ‘Vitamin C’ gives chemotherapy a boost’ was misleading as the study found no supportive evidences that vitamin C can prevent cancer, only can inhibit some mechanisms and reduce the risk of cancer development (Ma and Chapman et al., 2014). However, the study did show that vitamin C may reduce side effects from treatment for women, yet, the sample s ize was too small which was unable to support the outcome. However, the expert from the study quoted that in order to find out if high-dose vitamin C has an effect on cancer cells, further studies and large clinical trials are needed to ensure safety and effectiveness (Ma and Chapman et al., 2014). Additionally, BBC may have been over analysed the press release from the University itself, as it claimed that ‘Researchers establish benefits of high-dose vitamin C for ovarian cancer patients’. This statement was supported via Park, 1985‘s research which stated that ‘vitamin c is involved in the mechanism of action of the intracellular oxidation state changes which is an identification of genes or protein synthesis.’. This suggested that vitamin C has the ability to regulate specific cellular phenotypes which potentially could improve the efficacy of cancer therapies. Nevertheless, the report stated that the vitamin C treatment worked along with standard chemotherapy drugs which slow down tumour growth in mouse studies, not human. Therefore, the benefits of high-dose vitamin C for cancer cells cannot be taken into account due to the fact that human and mouse have different types of genes and intracellular mechanism (Park, 1985). As a result, there ar e not any beneficial effects on human, but there are beneficial effects on mouse. In addition, within the small group of patients that were tested on, they have found fewer side-effects when vitamin C was given out along with the chemotherapy. According to WCRF and AICR‘s report on diet and ovarian cancers, it showed that vitamin C has no effect on ovarian cancer which do not decrease nor increase the risk of cancer. However, according to Part 2 evidence and judgements and Part three Recommendations chapter twelve- public health goals and personal recommendations from WCRF and AICR, it suggested that the population should consumption an average of non-starchy vegetables and of fruits to be at least 600g (21 oz) daily. This is because there are evidences that diets high in vegetable and fruits could protect against oesophagus cancer not ovarian cancer (Mikirova and Casciari et al., 2012). According to BBC, the researcher’s injected vitamin C into human ovarian cancer cells as well as mice in the laboratory conditions. BBC stated that ‘researchers found ovarian cancer cells were to be sensitive to vitamin C treatment, but normal cells were unharmed (De Laurenzi and Melino et al., 1995). High dosage of vitamin C could prevent cancer was originally suggested by chemist and double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling in 1970s in which the clinical trial was abandoned due to failed to replicate the expected results to the theory behind vitamin C and cancer (Cameron and Pauling, 1979). The method used in the study was by injecting vitamin C straight into the bloodstream as it is safer, can be effective, low-cost (Head, 1998). The rate at which human body excrete vitamin C through oral ingestion is a lot faster than by injection through bloodstream (Cameron and Pauling, 1979). Furthermore, patients were not completely blind tested as most of them knew what they were given vitamin C and placebo, therefore, many physiological effects have been taken into account toward the analysis of results. In conclusion, due to lack of supportive evidences, vitamin C has no significant back story in supporting the evidence of beneficial effect on ovarian cancer even though from the study some beneficial effects did show on mice. Furthermore, the clinical trial was tested unfairly as participants knew about the comparison test with placebo, which might have had effected the results, in which the results are not accurate and reliable as the sample size was consisting of 22 participants. Nevertheless, the study did find moderate result from patients who have taken parts in the vitamin C trials; as a result, vitamin C might reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. References Bandera and Era, C. A. 2005. Advances in the understanding of risk factors for ovarian cancer. The Journal of reproductive medicine, 50 (6), pp. 399406. Bender, D. A. 1993. An introduction to nutrition and metabolism. London: UCL Press. Cameron, E. and Pauling, L. 1979. Cancer and vitamin C. Combs, G. F. 2012. The vitamins. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press. De Laurenzi, V., Melino, G., Savini, I., Annicchiarico-Petruzzelli, M., Finazzi-Agro, A. and Avigliano, L. 1995. Cell death by oxidative stress and ascorbic acid regeneration in human neuroectodermal cell lines. European Journal of Cancer, 31 (4), pp. 463466. Ehrlich, P. F., Teitelbaum, D. H., Hirschl, R. B. and Rescorla, F. 2007. Excision of large cystic ovarian tumors: combining minimal invasive surgery techniques and cancer surgery—the best of both worlds. Journal of pediatric surgery, 42 (5), pp. 890893. Head, K. 1998. Ascorbic acid in the prevention and treatment of cancer. Alternative medicine review: a journal of clinical therapeutic, 3 (3), pp. 174186. Hunn, J. and Rodriguez, G. C. 2012. Ovarian cancer: etiology, risk factors, and epidemiology. Clinical obstetrics and gynecology, 55 (1), pp. 323. Jemal, A., Bray, F., Center, M. M., Ferlay, J., Ward, E. and Forman, D. 2011. Global cancer statistics. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 61 (2), pp. 6990. King, R. A., Rotter, J. I. and Motulsky, A. G. 1992. The Genetic basis of common diseases. New York: Oxford University Press. Kushi, L. H., Byers, T., Doyle, C., B, Era, E. V., Mccullough, M., Gansler, T., Andrews, K. S. and Thun, M. J. 2006. 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Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Strange Case by Robert Louis Stevenson Essay examples -- psycho, sc

The functioning of the average human mind has intrigued and plagued philosophers and thinkers over centuries, one of the most curious and fascinating studies have been made into personages with dual personalities, schizophrenia being one of the factors. Similarly, in the book, The Strange Case, as well as in the film, Psycho, the books are taken place in late Victorian London, but Psycho is in late 60’s in the USA. The respective authors in these two texts portray that duality of human nature exists in society and humanity through the use of characterization and setting. Stevenson in this story uses characterization to describe that duality of human nature exists in humanity and society: â€Å"There comes an end to all things; my evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul†¦all men's respect, wealth...murderer.†( Stevenson 51) Stevenson uses the malaise of Schizophrenia to characterize Dr.Jekyll and his dual personality Mr. Hyde. In the above quote Dr.Jekyll realizes that he has done in justice the whole time without realizing it. Mr. Hyde’s actions have been proven to be inhumane and he has been characterized a â€Å"human juggernaut†; Dr. Jekyll is not solely responsible for his actions because of his dual mindset that precludes an individual from a rational thought process. In the quote above Dr. Jekyll had everyone’s respect and love, and now society labels him as a murderer: â€Å"clubbed him to the earth†¦with ape-like fury†¦shattered†¦the body.†(Stevenson 9) Mr. Hyde is malevolent in nature, â€Å"alone in the ranks of mankind, was pure evil†(Stevenson 45) whereas, Dr.Jekyll is a calm character. He uses â€Å"ape-like fury†, from that he shows embodiment of a murderer. In Psycho, Norman Bates is a maniac with a dual personality. Although... dark areas of the working unstable mind, and which generally are away from the norms of society and wants to experiment with other areas, this what leads to the motivation that could be the dual mindset. The exception could be for an individual who has complete control over his rationality, but is not the case in these given texts. People who have schizophrenia use violence as an essential element to soothe their mind. My reaction to both Psycho and The Strange Case has been one of horror, which I think is a normal reaction of an individual. I have experienced myself having a different personality, not necessarily a dual mindset, in and out of school. In school I tend to show less off my real emotions, than I do outside of school. Even though for me keeping up with societal norms is a ‘must do’ task, failing to keep with societies rules will fail me internally.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

International Space Station Essay -- essays research papers

International Space Station   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The International Space Station, a worldwide project, is the next goal in a quickly growing space frontier. The station will be the first and next step towards researching the vast unknown world of outer space. What will be learned by this station? NASA has only the highest hopes that with the newest advancements in technology up in space, the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes can be examined with the absence of gravity, because of the space station.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The space station has been a long awaited project, as the first space station idea was drafted up in 1984. A resolution was made to place a permanent, livable space station in orbit. When President Ronald Reagan announced his 1984 State of the Union address, he included plans for a space station to be in orbit by the mid 1990’s. The idea of having an operable, livable, space station seemed to be inconceivable to everyone who heard that speech. As the ideas for this project began to take off, the main concern was money. How much funding would be necessary to construct a space station? At first, NASA could only work within the agency’s estimated $8.5 billion dollar budget. It was in 1984 when the first construction plan was unveiled, called “Freedom.'; A “power tower'; concept was designed, which is a long slender unit that would be the center of the entire structure. This tower would be a long, narrow piece of latticework, chosen for its stability and to avoid the use of every day thrusts to maintain its altitude. All the laboratory modules would then surround the “power tower.'; A free-flyer module would be used to conduct experiments in incessant, stable conditions away form the main tower structure. The “power tower'; concept required too many parts and shuttle missions for it to be completed. That would force the cost of the project to exceed NASA’s budget. The following year in 1985, a new, updated station concept was drafted. This was called the “dual keel'; concept, and included two vertical towers joined and braced together with three horizontal beams. This structure would allow four pressurized operable and livable modules to be placed around the central meeting points of the beams... ...on. A cooperative effort among 16 nations, the International Space Station will provide living quarters and science labs for long-term stays for up to seven astronauts. In building, operating, and performing research on the station, humanity will gather meaningful experience for future travels beyond Earth orbit. While the station is certain to teach us more about the human body in space, reactions to extended periods in zero gravity, and the effects of these experiments, nothing in this project is guaranteed. NASA is optimistic, but has planned for the worse. Helping the ESA construct three expendable space vehicles by 2003 that could carry and fly the entire station back to earth if needed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But perhaps the most telling part about this space station is that once completed it will be the size of a city block and will be one of the brightest objects in the sky. That is still years away, but like all great structures ever built, this may be the most dangerous and expensive. The ISS will be a spectacular, challenging experience for us all, and the world can only wait to see what the International Space Station will bring back to the human civilization. International Space Station Essay -- essays research papers International Space Station   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The International Space Station, a worldwide project, is the next goal in a quickly growing space frontier. The station will be the first and next step towards researching the vast unknown world of outer space. What will be learned by this station? NASA has only the highest hopes that with the newest advancements in technology up in space, the fundamental physical, chemical, and biological processes can be examined with the absence of gravity, because of the space station.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The space station has been a long awaited project, as the first space station idea was drafted up in 1984. A resolution was made to place a permanent, livable space station in orbit. When President Ronald Reagan announced his 1984 State of the Union address, he included plans for a space station to be in orbit by the mid 1990’s. The idea of having an operable, livable, space station seemed to be inconceivable to everyone who heard that speech. As the ideas for this project began to take off, the main concern was money. How much funding would be necessary to construct a space station? At first, NASA could only work within the agency’s estimated $8.5 billion dollar budget. It was in 1984 when the first construction plan was unveiled, called “Freedom.'; A “power tower'; concept was designed, which is a long slender unit that would be the center of the entire structure. This tower would be a long, narrow piece of latticework, chosen for its stability and to avoid the use of every day thrusts to maintain its altitude. All the laboratory modules would then surround the “power tower.'; A free-flyer module would be used to conduct experiments in incessant, stable conditions away form the main tower structure. The “power tower'; concept required too many parts and shuttle missions for it to be completed. That would force the cost of the project to exceed NASA’s budget. The following year in 1985, a new, updated station concept was drafted. This was called the “dual keel'; concept, and included two vertical towers joined and braced together with three horizontal beams. This structure would allow four pressurized operable and livable modules to be placed around the central meeting points of the beams... ...on. A cooperative effort among 16 nations, the International Space Station will provide living quarters and science labs for long-term stays for up to seven astronauts. In building, operating, and performing research on the station, humanity will gather meaningful experience for future travels beyond Earth orbit. While the station is certain to teach us more about the human body in space, reactions to extended periods in zero gravity, and the effects of these experiments, nothing in this project is guaranteed. NASA is optimistic, but has planned for the worse. Helping the ESA construct three expendable space vehicles by 2003 that could carry and fly the entire station back to earth if needed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  But perhaps the most telling part about this space station is that once completed it will be the size of a city block and will be one of the brightest objects in the sky. That is still years away, but like all great structures ever built, this may be the most dangerous and expensive. The ISS will be a spectacular, challenging experience for us all, and the world can only wait to see what the International Space Station will bring back to the human civilization.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Never Back Down Review Essay -- Movies Film

Never Back Down Review A) Event Synopsis and Theme 1. The film opens in the middle of a high-school football game, with Jake Tyler helping his team to win. Frustrated, one of the players from the opposing team taunts him about the death of his father from drunk driving. Known for his hot temper, Jake immediately begins a brawl with the opposing player. The brawl is captured on the crowd's mobile phones and personal video cameras, and soon is downloaded to the internet. This is in fact the last game Jake will play at this high school as he and his family is moving to Orlando, Florida. His younger brother, Charlie (Wyatt Smith), has received a tennis scholarship at a school there. His mother (Leslie Hope) is upset that Jake often seems to be fighting and getting into trouble, but despite this, Jake and Charlie are close. At his new school, Jake has a hard time fitting in. He catches the eye of a pretty classmate named Baja Miller (Amber Heard) who seems to flirt with him. Later, he spots a fight going on campus where he sees a young man getting beaten. Although this is actually a street kickboxing match, Jake mistakes this as bullying, and attempts to defend the man. He is surprised when everyone, including the young man, tells Jake to leave. In school the next day, the young man introduces himself to Jake as Max Cooperman (Evan Peters). He tells Jake that there are videos on the internet of Jake's football brawl, gaining him a positive reputation on campus. He offers Jake a chance to learn mixed martial arts with his teacher, but Jake declines. Baja comes by and invites him to a party. At the party, held at a mansion, he meets the host, Ryan McCarthy (Cam Gigandet), who has seen the internet footage, challenges Jake to a fi... ...we were enjoying it. We sat in the best seat and no annoying sound. F) Most Memorable Moment 1. The last fight impressed me most. A lot of scene flashed in Jake’s head and he use all his techniques to knock down Ryan. 2. The music delivered a victory-like feeling, the flashing scene of his life and the slow motion were responsible for this affecting moment. 3. I and my friend nearly yelled out when Jake finally wins. G) Audience / Personal Response 1. My friend, who likes talking while we are watching movie, seldom makes noise in this film. 2. I would recommend this film to young male. There’s really a lot of muddled commentary to be found here. Explorations of class structure and bored teenage anomie are attempted in Never Back Down, but who wants their social critique served with a garnish of male anguish? You do? Okay, well you’ll like the film then.

Womens Rights in the Workplace

Brittany Dorris Mr. Dean Ford Eng. 101 04 October 2010 A Wife, a Mom, and a Worker Women fought very hard for their rights in the workplace. Some of them, including Susan B Anthony, went above and beyond the norm. Yet, today our rights are still not the same as a man’s. At one point women weren’t allowed to work at all, and today they are allowed to have jobs while still being home makers. Although improvements have been made, there are still several dilemmas that need to be addressed. A women earns less than a man when doing the same work, and that is extremely unfair.Another issue in the workplace is that men underestimate women due to lack of strength and discrimination. There are also the issues of pregnancy and sexual harassment. Due to financial aspects, discrimination, and issues solely based on gender, women are not treated equally in the workplace. A young adult female will pay the same tuition as a young male throughout school, yet in the workplace she will ea rn less money. A woman only earns 77 cents on the dollar of what a man earns (Talk). The average 25 year old woman working full time until age 65 will earn $523,000 less than the average working man (Rodriguez).It is unjust that a female pays the same for an education in order to get a job, but a male at the same job will earn more money. African American women earn 72 cents to the dollar of a white male and Latino females earn 60 cents (Williams). If a woman is required to pay the same bills as a man, then why does she earn less for doing the same job? If a man has an electricity bill for $100 and earns 10 dollars per hour, he only has to work ten hours in order to pay the electricity bill. When a woman has a $100 electric bill and works the same job as the aforementioned male, she would have to work more than 10 hours.Women aren’t required to work at a slower pace than men and are required to pay the same for bills and schooling, so it is not fair for them to make less mone y. Women are often discriminated against and belittled in the workplace due to factors that are not logical. It is frequently claimed that woman should have to ‘fit in’ to a ‘masculine culture’, but there is little systematic evidence on this (Faulkner 2). Women are too often discriminated against and underestimated when it comes to careers. An example of women being underestimated while at work is in the military.Though the percentage of women in the U. S military has increased dramatically since 1980, which is when they were first allowed to serve, women are less likely to go into combat. Although there are no laws that prohibit women from going into combat, there are laws that prohibit women from going into permanent assignments such as ships and aircrafts, according to a study conducted by the Women’s Research and Education Institute. Most of these restrictions are for the Marine Corps, Navy and Air Force. There are also policies that restrict wo men’s roles in the Army.Though there are some restrictions on women’s roles in the military, the Coast Guard and Department of Transportation give women opportunities. As a matter of fact, the proportion of jobs available to women in the Coast Guard and Department of Transportation is 100 percent compared to other services in the military, according to the study. (Rodriguez) There is no logical reason why a female should not be allowed to work permanently on jobs and assignments such as ships and aircrafts. Females are completely capable of using high intellect, doing hard labor, and running equipment.It is very wrong of men to treat women so poorly in the workplace due to stereotypes. Another example of female discrimination in the workplace that I know about from personal experiences is my mother’s career. My mother works in construction and does finish work on houses. She is treated very poorly by her male coworkers because they do not agree with her working a job that they see as a ‘mans job’. Regardless of their asinine opinions, she is usually the first one done with her assignments and considered by her bosses to be one of the hardest workers in the company.Sadly, she is still paid less than the men at her job. If she is truly one of the best employees then she should be given a raise instead of being awarded less cash. It is illegal to not hire someone based on their race, yet it is legal to pay a woman less due to her sex. It should be clear to everyone that women are treated poorly and unfairly in the workplace everyday. Another stereotypical belief is that women aren’t as intelligent as men. If this were true, then the female generations of our past would not have come as far as they have today in the workplace.There are women involved in politics, the medical field, and education. If men were truly more intelligent, then women would not be capable of being successful in those fields. Linda Tapp, president of Crown Safety in Cherry Hill, and a very successful female, states that â€Å"gender discrimination is still live and well. No matter how much we like to think things have changed, there are more than a few people out there who think a woman can still not do the same jobs a man can do†(Eglash). In my own experience, I have learned that female teachers and doctors do an equally good job as males in those fields.A woman is fully capable of doing a job that requires high intellect, just as a man is. I believe that it is ridiculous and unjustified for a man to treat a woman at work poorly because he believes that men are more intelligent. While for the most part women and men are the same, there are biological differences that should be taken into account. One of the main differences is the fact that females can become pregnant. Instead of treating women better in the workplace and respecting them for trying to keep a job while pregnant, men tend to treat them poorly.In 1964, the Title VII was amended by the Pregnancy discrimination Act; it was put into action in order to eliminate the issue of pregnancy affecting a female’s career (Kazlowski 27). Although it is illegal to dismiss a woman from her career due to her becoming pregnant, there are still cases where it happens. Not only are women required to do the same work as a man for less pay, but they are also expected to be good mothers and attentive wives. I believe that a woman should be paid more than a man due to the fact that they tend to have more to balance in their daily lives.A female teacher who is pregnant gets less sleep than a male teacher,. and the female still has to show up at work bright and early. Women are not cut enough slack while pregnant and still earn less than a man. Have a guy carry 30 extra pounds on his stomach and see if he can still do his job. Some people say that women have unfair advantages when it comes to acquiring jobs and that makes it acceptable for them to be p aid less. I agree that in some circumstances women are unrightfully rewarded jobs due to being â€Å"attractive females† but that does not justify them being paid less.I personally believe that I was given my job due to the fact that I am a young female, but I still work as hard as my male coworkers in order to try and earn respect and get equal pay. Although this is not always a bad aspect for females, it still places them in an unequally category next to men. One of the main issues that are present in the workplace for females is sexual harassment. Women are constantly being disrespected based on sex, including at the workplace. If that is not poor treatment, then I don’t know what is.Despite common assumptions, new research suggest that women are not more likely to be sexually harassed when they are the minority or majority in a work group. Instead, researchers found that in most cases, women were sexually harassed at work when their work group had a similar proport ion of males and females. (McGuire) This says that when a woman is given an equal opportunity to work somewhere, she is more likely to be sexually harassed while at work, and that leaves her in an unfair predicament. Sexual harassment is a crime and can make someone feel degraded and disrespected.Some women only have jobs because they allow their bosses and coworkers to sexually harass them, and I know this because I am one of them. My own male coworkers say they wish they could keep a job just by being â€Å"attractive†. They do not understand that it affects someone’s confidence when they know the only reason they have a job is solely based on looks. A female senator was once called a prostitute and attractive (Thompson). This is one of the many examples of verbal harassment that women all over the world face everyday in the workplace.Physical harassment such as groping also exist for females at work. While most harassment isn’t done maliciously, most women wo uld much rather have their job because they deserve it and not because they are female. Women should be treated equally as a whole, not just where it gives them an advantage, such as attaining the job in the first place. Women are treated unequally and unfairly throughout the world. Some of the situations work in a woman’s favor while others give them a large disadvantage. There are females who don’t work hard, and get to keep their jobs based solely on attractiveness.Then we have women who work hard and still get paid less than a man. If that is the case, then a woman’s bills and school tuition should also be 77 cents to the dollar, or they should not be required to work as hard for their money. Let’s not forget to mention that there are still jobs that women have difficulty or are not capable of acquiring, such as manual labor jobs or technical jobs. If we can have female body builders who are stronger than most men, then we should be able to have femal es working in all fields of the army.Sexism and unfairness in the workplace is a big issue that shouldn’t be ignored. Maybe the reason it is so often ignored is because it stirs up failure and embarrassment for the American government, since they fought against it for 30 years (Rodriguez). As a country, we should fight to end the fact that women are treated unequally in the workplace, rather than ignore it. All women should earn the same wages as men and be given the same job opportunities. Also they should not be stereotyped or discriminated against while in the workplace.